I want to receive the SMART5 account, what should I do?
When you click the Register button on the main page, you can join. Submit the supporting documents, and sign up online, by fax or mail. Representative will be approved for an account after checking the documents. You can log in after approved.
I subscribe but can not log in to the Web site.
The supporting documents must be submitted by e-mail. You submitted a document and if it doesn't become a login, please call the customer service center.
Can i evaluate the patent-pending?
Currently registered patents can be evaluated only. Pending or expired patent is not a target of the evaluation.
Patent evaluation was conducted in bulk, and I would like to download an evaluation report.
There is a evaluation report management menu in Mypage. If you select patents for which you wish to download from there, you can obtain a copy of the evaluation report for the patent.
Click the Login button, but I have a problem because of the security module error.
Does not support Internet Explorer version 6.0 or less current to certify the security module of our system. For security purposes, if you install Internet Explorer version 7.0 or later can operate normally.