Overview of SMART5

Overview of SMART5

Overview of SMART5

What is SMART5? (System to Measure, Analyze and Rate patent Technology)

  • Online patent grade evaluation services in which the superiority of a patent in different countries is objectively evaluated using patent information extracted from patent specification, bibliographic information, and administrative information
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smart5 구성설명
smart5 구성설명

Necessity of SMART5

  • (Patent maintenance) The quantitative expansion of patents puts a heavy burden on patent maintenance costs, requiring tools to quickly and objectively measure patent quality for patent screening to be abandoned.
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[Status table of domestic patent registration by year] Source: Patent Office, 2019 Statistical Yearbook of Intellectual Property
  • (Expert support to identify key patents) Experts analyze the status of patents by establishing a patent portfolio, and experts conduct qualitative analysis on a small number of key patents.
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Applications of SMART5

smart5 활용분야
smart5 활용분야
smart5 활용분야

Outline of SMART5

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smart5 구성도
smart5 구성도