analogous patent analysis

Full Process Configuration Chart

Full Process Configuration Chart Full Process Configuration Chart Full Process Configuration Chart

Process step-by-step description

Process step-by-step description
Specification Parsing Module XML Tag Handling Analyze statement XML files to remove XML tags, and save data for each field
field data extraction
  • Collect text information from the target fields to extract core words from the statement data
  • Target Field: Summary of Inventions, Billing Terms
Natural Language Processing Module morphological analysis Perform morphological analysis and tagging of text collected in the specification
TM analysis
  • Generate compound nouns through noun phrase analysis
  • Generating a compound phrase, such as subject-sulphrase/sulphrase-objective/substantive-explicative modifier, etc., through parsing analysis
  • 문Generation of related words using co-occurrence of words (single words, compound words) in the chapter
Keyword extraction Keyword Nomination
  • Selection of candidates to be used as key words from natural language processing results
  • Keyword candidates: single nouns, compound nouns, compound words, related phrases
elimination of words of nonverbalism
  • Eliminate key word candidates that are not suitable as key words
  • Use a dictionary of nonverbal words
Select Keywords
  • Weighted Keywords: Computation of TF-IDF Score for each patent document's core candidate group
  • Select Keywords: Top 50 Weighted Keywords for Each Patent Document
similar patent extraction document clustering
  • Keyword-Document Vector Generation: Use a list of key words for each patent document
  • Create a cluster of documents: Keywords-Use document vectors to create a set of documents that contain the same core language for each patent document.
Document Similarity Calculation Calculation of similarity with patents existing within the cluster for each patent document
  • similarity between documents: using cosine-similarity with weights of matching keywords between two documents
  • weighting of technology
    • - Weighing the technology field using IPC information and WIPO technology classification of the two patent documents
      • technology field weighting
        IPC Matching>Technical group matching>Technical middle category matching>Technical large category matching>Technical mismatch
    • - Calculate the final similarity by applying additional technical weights to the between-documents similarity values.
Generating similar patents Top of each patent document using the final similarity value with the technology classification weight
100 patents selected as similar patents

Similar Patent Analysis Service Screen

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