Evaluation Model

About SMART5Evaluation ServiceEvaluation Model

Evaluation model

Structural Equation Evaluation Model

smart5 구성설명
smart5 구성설명
smart5 구성설명
expert brainstorming phase
  • Confirmation and definition of evaluation indicators
  • Determine the assessment factors that meet the quantitative, objective and completeness of the survey
Delphi Expert Survey Phase
  • Ensuring anonymity over three rounds to gather expert opinions
  • The second and third surveys analyze previous surveys and provide expert feedback on median and quadrant statistical information.
Survey Feasibility Analysis Phase
Content validity CVR : Content Validity Ratio CVR : Content Validity Ratio For a survey of 30 people: CVR >= 0.33
Reliability verification Cronbach α Has a value of 0-1; the higher the confidence, the greater the value
validation of validity Convergence, Agreement
Structural Equation Evaluation Model Establishment Phase
  • Definition of Structural Equation Model
    • Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is a combination of CFA (Confirmary Factor Analysis) and Path analysis
    • Simultaneously analyze the causal relationship between multiple independent variables and multiple dependent variables as well as the relationship between dependent variables

Multiple Return Book Evaluation Model

Multiple Return Analysis Model by Core Evaluation Element
핵심평가요소별 다중회귀분석 모델
Building a final evaluation model by combining regression coefficients of independent variables as weighted averages
독립변수의 회귀계수를 가중평균으로 조합하여 최종 평가모델 구축 독립변수의 회귀계수를 가중평균으로 조합하여 최종 평가모델 구축 독립변수의 회귀계수를 가중평균으로 조합하여 최종 평가모델 구축

Technical Classification and Relative Evaluation Criteria

WIPO Technical classification
WIPO 기술분류
WIPO 기술분류
WIPO 기술분류
Stenine ratio
스테나인 비율
스테나인 비율
스테나인 비율

Relative evaluation standard

Relative evaluation standard

Relative evaluation standard

Stanine(Stanine : Standard + Nine) scale utilization
  • Stanine is a type of regularized scale score developed by the U.S. Air Force during World War II.
    • Stanine is calculated by giving grade scores according to a fixed ratio and has an average of 5 and a standard deviation of 2 when the raw score is normally distributed.
  • Stanine, expressed in nine grade scores, has the advantage of simplicity. Grading scores that give the same score over a certain interval compared to detailed ordinal scores such as percents helps to prevent exaggerated interpretation of small differences.